The following assessments can be administered to determine cognitive performance modes.
Link to access assessments available below.
Author: Noomi Katz, PhD, OTR
Note: Manual for the RTI-E is available as a free PDF download on this website.
The Routine Task Inventory was introduced by Claudia Allen in 1985 as an assessment of cognitive abilities in the context of routine daily activities. In 1989, Claudia Allen developed an expanded version of the original Routine Task Inventory (RTI-E). The RTI-E is widely used in clinical practice in Israel where it has also been used in several research studies. Noomi Katz, PhD, OTR, Director of the Research Institute for the Health & Medical Professions, Ono Academic College, Kiryat, Ono, Israel, has recently developed a manual for the RTI-E in 2006 in order to encourage others to use this tool in clinical practice and research.
This manual includes the RTI-E as Allen presented it in 1989 along with clarified instructions for administration. Dr. Katz has generously agreed to make this manual available through the Allen Cognitive Network web site free of charge. If you would like to download a copy of this manual, click on the link below.
Author: Catherine A. Earhart, BA, OTR/L
Publisher: S&S Worldwide, Colchester, CT (2006)
Description: The Allen Diagnostic Module-2nd edition (ADM-2) (Earhart, 2006) consists of 35 standardized activity assessments of functional cognition developed by occupational therapists within the framework of the cognitive disabilities model. ADMs provide opportunities for individuals to demonstrate available cognitive abilities as they engage in new learning and problem solving to make a useful object, such as a placemat, visor, or box.
ADMs are designed to include an identified range of activity demands of varying complexity. During administration, practitioners adjust social and physical cues to match and support the individual’s identified “best ability to function.” The external cues present ideal conditions and an opportunity for the individual to effectively engage in the activity.
ADMs may be used to verify results of the Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS-5) assessment or as serial assessments to identify a pattern of performance as part of a comprehensive functional evaluation.
The ADM-2nd edition manual contains reviewed Guidelines for use that clarify theoretical contrusts derived from the cognitive disabilities model, as well as updating rating criteria in assessment protocols for several assessments.
Source:The ADM-2nd edition manual and pre-assembled standardized test kits for all ADM assessments are available for purchase from S&S Worldwide at
For more information: Downloadable assessment protocols with instructions for self-manufacturing standardized test kits for specified ADMs are available at
Authors: C.K. Allen, S.L. Austin, S. K. David, C. A. Earhart, D. B. McCraith, & L. Riska-Williams
Publisher: ACLS and LACLS Committee, Camarillo, CA, USA, Copyright ©2007
Description: This 5th version of the Allen cognitive level screen with a revised and updated 66 page manual is an evidence based* screening assessment for use with the Allen cognitive disabilities model. The screen consists of learning 3 visual-motor tasks (leather lacing stitches) with increasingly complex activity demands.
Completion of the 3 tasks requires that the person attend to, understand, and use sensory & motor cues from material objects (leather, lace & needles), administrator’s verbal & demonstrated instructions & cues, & feedback from motor actions while making the stitches. Scores are interpreted using the Allen Cognitive Scale of levels and modes of performance as well as other information about the person’s history, interests, context, etc.
The Screen is available in 3 forms: standard ACLS, LACLS for persons with vision or hand function problems, & disposable form (LACLS[D]) for persons with whom infection control is required. *For
ACLS-5 and LACLS-5 Test: Psychometric Properties and Use of Scores for Evidence-Based Practice, visit
Sources: Allen Cognitive Group,; Dementia Care Specialists,; S&S Worldwide,; and Therapro, The manual & leather-lacing tools are available separately or as a kit.
Over the past 30+ years, the Cognitive Disabilities Model has continued to evolve and be refined, a process that continues today. Claudia Allen is currently in the process of developing a next generation of the Allen Model. (We encourage you to follow her progress on*.) The Allen Cognitive Group, formerly the ACLS/LACLS Committee, which holds the copyright for the ACLS-5 manual, and is a source for purchasing the current manual and screening tools, continues to provide support, instruction and research in the use of the ACLS-5 and other related tools of the Cognitive Disabilities Model.
The Allen Diagnostic Modules, 34 craft based activity assessments used to verify results of the Allen Cognitive Level Screen, which can be purchased through S&S Worldwide and Dementia Care Specialists, contains revised guidelines that clarify theoretical constructs derived from the Cognitive Disabilities Model, as well as updated rating criteria to enhance research opportunities. These are just a few of the modifications and updates to the Allen Cognitive Disabilities Model; many more are shared at our bi-annual Symposium.
Since our last Symposium, November 2014, when Claudia announced her intention to develop the ACLS-6, the ACN Board has discussed how to proceed with the changes that this will bring about. We have included Claudia in our conversations and we have been in communication with the Allen Group as well. Ultimately we have decided that it is our goal as a Board to lead the organization forward with our vision and mission guiding us, remembering Claudia’s words quoted on our website home page: “Foremost, we are about the people we serve”.